North America

I had the pleasure of chatting with the City Director of Travel with Kimpton Hotels New York. Kimpton Hotels has been a preferred partner of mine for years now. So much so, that I stayed here during my trip to the Big Apple a few weeks ago! In this interview, we talk about what makes Kimpton stand out from the other...

Why would anyone go to Houston for vacation? Well, if you’re a huge Dodgers fan like me, you’d be willing to travel anywhere to see them in the World Series. And while the World Series was not the outcome I was hoping for (We’ll get ‘em next year!), Houston ended up showing me a fantastic time! Let’s start - as always...

What do you do with two full days with no plans? You go on vacation, of course! A mini-vacation. A staycation, if you will. Last month, I booked a stay at The Glen Gordon Manor, about an hour outside of Vienna, for my husband and me at 4:50pm and we were checking in by 7:15pm. Our staycation began with being greeted with sparkling...

I love my home, but sometimes, ya just gotta get away. And with our birthdays happening at the end of the week we had a great reason. A week would be too long and a weekend just not long enough. Three nights away would be perfect. But where?...

Taking the back roads to Charlottesville turned into a couple of days of fun and surprises. Perhaps it was the guy in the pick-up truck chasing his cow off the road and back into the pasture. Or maybe it was the lady in the restaurant hollering, “Bless my stars and garters!” as she greeted an old friend. Maybe it was walking inside...

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